Monday, November 9, 2009

I Ran An 8K!!!

On Saturday I ran in the Governor's Cup 8k/Half Marathon Race.....
Kudos to those who ran in the half on earth do you do it?!?
I ran in the 8K, which is equal to 5 miles. If you have been keeping up with my running (HERE
HERE and HERE and HERE you will know that I do everything I can to complete a I have said from the start, I am NOT a runner..nor will I ever be a fast runner...I like to call myself an extremely fast walker...or maybe even a jogger...haha
.BUT this past Saturday I ran an 8K...and I am so proud of myself!!!
The same girl that just ran the entire 8K is the SAME girl who stepped up on a treadmill a year ago and almost passed out after 3 minutes of running. This same girl ran her first 2 miles in over 28 minutes a year ago....
and on Saturday THIS SAME GIRL ran for an entire 51 minutes and 45 seconds and completed her first 8K!!!!
This girl is ME....and what's neat is that it could be YOU!! If I can do it, ANYONE can do it!
Am I bragging???
HECK, the runner's world, I am slow as Christmas...I run a 10 minute mile.... I will always be the one finishing in the middle...or close to the end...I'll never see a top place finish...and I am okay with that...
The great thing about running, is that you are ONLY competing against yourself....I run in the hopes of beating my OWN time, not someone else's....
So, is my one picture from my race this weekend...I ran this with my cousin, Connie. It was her very first race, and she did great!

Next race is on Thanksgiving Day...The Gobble & Wobble 5K...looking forward to that one!!!
They even have a 25 meter race for my 3 year old!
I'll keep you posted!!

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