Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Few Random Shots and Ice Cream....

Okay, so I am not sure about blogging you have to have a topic to write about, or does anything and everything go?!?!?! Well, this week has been pretty uneventful (so far, at least, thank goodness)...and I really haven't taken my camera out...which is totally unlike me. But, Ryan has been in Italy all week on business and when you are the only parent in the house dealing with two children, taking pictures is not exactly at the top of your to do list..... Actually, I have been so busy today, that I actually have not even had dinner yet, and it's 9pm......ahhhhh, the joys of motherhood....children first, always!

So here are a few pics I managed to take I said, nothing eventful....Brooke found a sucker and played with our beloved dog, Tucker.....and Faith said her throat was hurting today, so that gave me the bright idea (or just the excuse) to go our for ice cream to make her throat feel better! Any excuse for ice cream is a great excuse, right?!?!? We met up with Faith's friend Cora and my friend (Cora's mom) Kym. I know I can always count on them to join me for ice cream....they are looking for excuses too! haha

So here are the "exciting" pics of the week.....

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