Monday, September 29, 2008

100 Fun Facts....

So, my friend Kelli McBrayer (you can see the link to her family blog right over there---> ) did a blog entry with 100 Fun Facts about herself, and asked anyone else who has a blog to do the same. I go.....

1. Ryan and I met in Mrs. Brooks' class in the THIRD grade...yep, I married my THIRD GRADE SWEETHEART!
2. Our 2nd daughter is named Brooke after our 3rd grade teacher.
3. I have lived in Miss., Ala., Tenn.. Fla. and S. Carolina
4. I was a cheerleader in high school.
5. I also played on the Girl's Varsity Soccer Team.
6. I was a total Tomboy growing up....dolls and Barbies didn't interest me at all....I even wore my brother's baseball pants to my tball games.
7. I have played softball ever since I can remember and used to play on the All-Star team back in the day.
8. In Middle School I was voted "Most Courteous".
9. I graduated from Auburn University with a BS in Elementary Education.
10. I was selected as one of the Top 20 Campus Beauties (Miss Glom) 2 years in a row while at Auburn. (I've come a long way since those tomboy days)
11. I started college at The University of Memphis, but transferred to Auburn after my freshman year....ranks up there with one of the best decisions of my life!
12. My dad and brother also graduated from Auburn Univ.
13. I got my Master's Degree in Educational Leadership from The Univ. of West Florida.
14. I broke my arm in kindergarten running from a little boy who was trying to kiss me.
15. I taught at the Elementary level for 7 years before staying at home with my kids.
16. I have 2 precious daughters, Faith (5.5y) and Brooke (2).
17. We are planning on having a third in the next year or so.
18. I have one older brother who lives in Tokyo, Japan. I see him once a year if I am lucky.
19. I have 2 dogs...a yorkie named Tobie and a Dachshund named Tucker.
20. I drive a Ford Expedition.
21. My best friend is Carolina. We have been best friends since we were 10 years old.
22. My husband proposed to me on the playground where we were in school together back in the 3rd grade.
23. We were interviewed 4 times by the Exec. Producers of the tv show "A Wedding Story" because of our unique story of how we met, proposed, etc. but they picked to go film a wedding in Hawaii instead of ours! Bummer!
24. My husband spent 14 months deployed to Iraq back in 2004-2005.
25. I have been married 9 years as of July 17, 1999.
26. We lived in Niceville, FL (4 miles from Destin) for 7 years. I'd give anything to move back.
27. I live in Charleston, SC now.... and am not crazy about it at all!
28. I love to sew!
29. I have a fabric addiction!
30. My first car was a 1988 Buick Regal named Sylvia.
31. My weakness is chocolate.
32. I lost my mom to brain cancer on March 21, 2005. She was my best friend and I miss her terribly. My girls will never know what a wonderful grandmother they had.
33. I just had surgery on my leg to remove a varicose vein.
34. I gained 70 pounds with my first pregnancy.
35. I am sickened by the sight of yellow snot...I can throw up at looking at it.
36. I think ALL men have ugly feet!
37. I am not a drinker at all, but I love a good margarita!
38. I LOVE to meet new people!
39. I love to keep in touch with all of my old friends!
40. Facebook is a great invention..and a very addicting one at that!
41. I check my email at least 5 times a's just a habit!
42. I was raised by my father from the time I was 10.....long me for details! ha
43. I used to spend a month out of every summer with my grandmother...I have some of the best memories from all of those summers!
44. I am a Christian!
45. I wasn't baptised until I was an adult, though...August 20, 2000!
46. I trust in God and give all control to Him...or at least try to!
47. I am a avid eBay shopper. I buy 75% of my kid's clothes on there!
48. Christmas is my favorite holiday.
49. Halloween is my 2nd favorite holiday!
50. I was pigeon toed as a kid and had to sleep with a brace in between my legs to correct it.
51. I had braces as a teenager....and should have worn my I need braces again!
52. My oldest daughter was born with a hole in her heart.
53. My parents divorced when I was 12, but I have the most wonderful, God-given step parents anyone could ask for!
54. My dad is both an architect and a lawyer. He's the smartest man I have ever met in my entire life! I love my Daddy!
55. My dad drew the logo for the restaurant "Back Yard Burger" when it was first starting.
56. I hate to watch movies because I feel like they are a waste of time.
57. I LOVE watching college football..especially AUBURN football.
58. On our 2nd date I told my husband I loved to watch ESPN, and he asked me to marry him.....joking of the time, anyway! haha
59. I was a big New Kids on the Block fan when I was younger, but don't like them now that they have made a come back.
60. I could eat chocolate milkshakes for EVERY meal! yum!
61. I love to spend time on the computer doing things like this....when other things need to be done around the house. **sigh**
62. Ryan is a Major in the US Army
63. Ryan has his Master's in Electrical Engineering
64. Ryan graduated from The Citadel, the Military College of S. Carolina, and was in the last all male graduating class.
65. I have a monogramming machine and LOVE to monogram anything I can get my hands on.
66. I LOVE to dress my girls in smocked clothing...
67. If they aren't in smocked clothes, then they are in something monogrammed.
68. I love white chocolate mocha coffee from Starbucks.
69. I work out 3 times a week.
70. I don't like my nails long OR painted!!! I'm a low maintenance kind of girl!
71. I wash the dishes last thing each night.. I hate dirty dishes left in my sink!
72. I would live in flip flops year-round if I could.
73. I hate conflict and can't stand dramatic people!
74. I wish I had more decorating house is not going to be in any "House Beautiful" magazines any time soon.
75. I love to eat at Chick Fil A.
76. I dress my kids to a "T" but rarely splurge on myself....I need to work on that!
77. I met Larry The Cable Guy, and he was really nice, and didn't have that crazy accent at all that you hear on stage!
78. I don't get into politics or the stock market....
79. I hate people who think they are better than everyone else.....
80. I like small jewlrey..nothing flashy at all!
81. I wear my hair in a pony tail when it's hot outside...the humidity totally frizzes my hair out big time!
82. I fainted in church when I was pregnant with about being embarrassed!
83. I don't highlight my hair....just not into that....I'm a simple girl.
84. I weighed 9.1 lbs when I was born....
85. I gave birth to a 9.5 lb baby!!!! Just call me Superwoman!!!!! :)
86. I like routine, but have also learned that you have to be flexible if you want to retain any sanity! (can you tell I have 2 kids??)
87. My least favorite chore is scrubbing the shower!
88. My yorkie growing up was named Holly and she lived from the time I was 8 until I was 24!!!! (RIP Holly Bush) :)
89. My mom was a Court Reporter.
90. I love my husband so much, and still get butterflies in my stomach when I see him come home after work!
91. My favorite gum is green Extra.
92. I like to try new recipes, but they never seem to turn out quite like the picture in the cookbook. hahaha
93. I had stitches in mychin in teh 2nd grade, and in my leg in the 7th grade.
94. I made it through 4 yrs of high school without one single detention.
95. I have talked my way out of 5 speeding tickets!
96. I still find it hard to believe that I am somebody's MOMMY!
97. Pink is my favorite color.
98. I love to shop at Target!
99. I love reading makes me feel a part of their lives even though I never get to see them!
100. I actually made it 100, and am bummed it's over because this was fun!

Okay, so now it's your turn! Give me you 100 things!!!!! (THanks for making me do this Kelli! It was fun!)

1 comment:

The McBrayer family said...

Those were fun to read! I learned a lot about you!! I forgot all about Miss Glom- I should have put that!