Sooo, the nursery is finished....
...or maybe I should say, it's as finished as it's going to be.
I'm now almost 37 weeks pregnant.
I'm big. I'm awkward.
I can't see my feet.
I have no energy.
I can't remember the last time I had a full night's sleep.
I can't bend over.
I can't sit.
I can't stand.
I waddle.
I can't even vacuum my house without stopping 3 times.
I'm up to 456 bathroom trips in a 24 hour period.
I've had enough of this magical special time. Really. Thank you.
And this is the same girl who logged over 850 miles running last year. Yes, it's the same girl. Now I can't seem to even go grocery shopping without feeling wiped out.
I'm finally at the point of "What I haven't gotten around to doing, I will do when this kid is 18..or whenever I have time."
So, I have decided the nursery is finished, whether I want it to be or not.
I had already planned to keep it simple...not a whole lot of decorating for this little guy. There were so many options I looked at, but wanted a color scheme that would grow with that wasn't alot of work, and easy on the eyes. I didn't want the traditional baby blue nursery, but was not opposed to pulling in a little baby blue here and there....and I really wanted to make the bedding this time vs. spending a fortune on it.
I ended up with a navy, white and gray color scheme....and then decided green accents would make it look nice while keeping it masculine looking.
Here is what I came up with....
This is actually our bonus you walk into the room this is what you see.
Some old cubbies I had in my oldest's closet....I slapped on a fresh coat of white semi-gloss paint....Looks good as new!
The bucket came off of my late grandmother's back porch. I'm sure you can buy one just like or similar at Lowe's but this one is special because it came from having a piece of her in this room.
My husband is in the Army, so we had to have a touch of something Army in it....
This is one corner of the'll notice several closet doors in this room. Our house was built with no attic space, so we closed in a wall a few years ago and put in closet doors so we could get to all of our storage....
The curtains you see where already hanging there, but were solid white, purchased at Target for $16 a panel. I sewed on navy blue fabric pieces for the stripes!!
The curtains you see where already hanging there, but were solid white, purchased at Target for $16 a panel. I sewed on navy blue fabric pieces for the stripes!!
Here is the little guy's crib....the banner was made by my sister in law and hung up at my baby shower. It fits perfectly over his crib.
The crib furniture and twin bed you see were already new furniture purchased for this baby! Yay! We saved a lot of money by not having to purchase a crib!
I had 2 big purchases in this room. One was the rug you see...$150 on sale at was a $300+ rug, and I happened to be on the site one day when they had it on sale. I went online to find a coupon code that took another $20 off....and ended up with this rug for 50% off!!!! Awesome!
I made his bedding and kept it simple....White bumper pads with navy piping. On one end I monogrammed his initials. I found a tutorial on Pintrest on how to make a crib sheet, and made this one out of navy and white polka dotted fabric. I made a few pillows to put in here...(that obviously won't stay once he's in here,) but can be moved around and saved for a later time.
This little giraffe has been in both girls' rooms and now sits in his room, along with a cute little pair of shoes I got for $5...
My sister in law made this precious diaper cake...I couldn't bare to take it apart, so for now, it sits on the little desk by the window.
My other big expense were my glider cushions. My mom gave me this glider, and I love it. But it was covered in a girly I paid $125 to have it recovered in navy fabric with white piping. I made the pillow and appliqued a "G: on it. Love the way it looks in the chair.
The "G' was made by my's 2 ft tall and I painted it green to go with the room! Love having something hand crafted by my dad in his room!!! It looks great on this wall! I recovered the changing pad to match the crib sheet.
The lamp was already in the room, but the shade was purchased at Target.
I opted not to make a quilt for his crib. I never used the quilt with my I bought this pretty blanket at Target and monogrammed it with his initials.
Here is a view of the twin bed in his room....for you first time moms out there, an extra bed in the room is a must for those late night feedings.
We already had the bed and the spread. The navy "blanket" you see at the foot was actually a piece of scrap fabric I bought for $5 at a local fabric store. I sewed the edges up and draped it over the bed, making it look like an actual blanket!! Genius, I must say!! haha
I made the photos myself. I bought the images off of ETSY and had them printed up in 8x10's at Walgreens. The frames are $3 from Wal-Mart that I spray painted white. The mirror is also from Wal-Mart. It was $7 and black, so I put a few coats of white spray paint on it as well.

A small diaper bag I made using a placemat...
The little desk in front of the window was mine as a child. I spray painted it a shade of green last year and it just happened to match the room, so I didn't have to repaint it.
The tv in the room was given to us by our neighbor. He was throwing it out ( and it's in perfect condition). We took it and put it in the nursery for those late night feedings. I can sleep in the room with the baby and have a tv to watch....Nic At Night was my friend with my last 2 babies....I foresee lots of Friends, Full House, and Family Matters reruns in my future!!!
And this entire nursery is for this little guy right here!
This was him at 30 weeks....7 weeks ago....look how chubby his cheeks were then! They are estimating him to be 10 pounds!! We have a little chunk on the way!!!!
Can't wait to show him his new room...I"m sure he's going to notice it all.... ;-)
His delivery is set for April 10th....let's see if he waits that long to get here!!!
Early or not, his nursery is ready!!!!!!!
Great space. Like how it's fit for a baby, but also has lots of other space.
Looks great Paige! I am sure it was fun to dive into the world of all blue this time around!! I love all the special details you added. Great job again!
Cute baby room, you must be getting so excited!!!!
LOVE navy!! I am looking for a rug EXACTLY like that! do you know the details of the rug, what it was called? I'm always on Overstock and haven't seen anything like it! It's beautiful!
His room is amazing..and HUGE! You will def be able to set up shop in there which is nice. All the little touches are lovely! I cannot wait to figure out the sex of my baby and start planning everything room wise.
Gorgeous! I love the color combo and the details are so sweet! Perfect for your little 'chunk'! :)
Oh are you kidding me!! This nursery is ADORABLE!!! Way to go, and thanks for posting the link on facebook:) BTW, congrats on making it to 37 weeks!! HAng in there:)
I'm posting from my hubby's computer, this is Staci from Just Sew Sassy btw:)
I certainly don't think you have to do any more work - it looks gorgeous. Navy and green are one of my favourite colour combinations and so great for a boy's space! :) xx
Anna (My Design Ethos)
I am desperate for modern baby bedding that is different than the norm but I can not afford to have it hand made or pay a lot on the modern bedding sites....any help would be greatly appreciated!
Nursery Bedding,Crib Bedding, Baby Bedding
We have some modern nursery ideas over at ParentZing! that readers may be interested in. Just like your wardrobe, we recommend mixing expensive & inexpensive, handmade & mass-produced, new & old, etc. We're also doing follow-up posts on toddler & big kids' rooms.
Nursery Bedding,Crib Bedding, Baby Bedding
What is the color called that you used on the walls, please?
What is the color called that you used on the walls, please?
Hi! Do you know the name of your paint color?
Love this room! Can you tell me what the wall color is?
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