12/28/00 - 6/22/10
Sadly, we lost our sweet dachshund this week.
My husband and I agree we will never make fun of an old woman and her lap dog ever again.... :-)
Tucker started a little over a week ago acting very funny...whining at times and not eating. After 3 vet visits, and no diagnosis, Tucker continued to get worse...still not eating, barely moving and obviously in extreme pain.
After seeing a specialist we were told Tucker had a genetic disease common in dachshunds called intervertebral disc disease (IVDD). Discs had ruptured in his back, releasing a gel like substance that hardens and can cause paralysis. Because of his age (he's almost 10) chances of recovering from surgery and being rehabilitated were not in his favor.....so we were forced to make the decision to let him go.
One of the hardest decisions we have had to make.
So, needless to say, our hearts are broken over the loss of our sweet Tucker.
Obviously, he was a dog, but to us he was more than that. He was a person trapped in a weiner dog's body. Smart and sweet, loving us unconditionally no matter what.
Everyone that ever met Tucker loved him, whether they were a dog fan or not. There was just something about him that made you laugh and want to snuggle with him.
We got him 2 years before we had our first child...he was there when we brought our oldest home from the hospital and followed her around everywhere. If she cried, he ran to her room and stood by her crib, concerned about her. Sometimes we wondered if he thought she was HIS baby instead of ours.
Three years later he watched us bring another child home, and loved her as much as the first baby.
Our kids loved this little guy....and he loved them.....even giving them kisses when they pulled his tail or pinched his ear.....
It's sad to think how you get a pet knowing they will not live as long as we do....and that, at some point, you have to say goodbye before you are ready....
But the time we had with Tucker is worth every tear. We will talk about him for the rest of our lives and the fun memories we were able to make with him....and I know he's happy he's not suffering anymore. I know his time on earth was good. He was loved deeply, and had a better life than some children do.....
It's hard to say good bye...but so thankful for our time with him.
Rest In Peace, sweet Tuck-Tuck!!!
Here are some pictures I dug up of Tuck over the years....
Here are some pictures I dug up of Tuck over the years....

Our 2010 family portrait taken back in April..we decided to put Tuck in it, and I am so glad we did!
Faith and Tucker, 2004. Anywhere Faith went, Tuck went too...

Tucker stretching out to give Faith a kiss, April 2004

Faith with Tobie (our yorkie we lost in February) and Tucker. June 2004

Faith and Tucker, May 2005....

Tucker stealing a kiss from Faith, May 2006

Wanting some attention..2008

Tucker adn Brooke, 2008....if anyone sat on the floor, he was right there beside you...

Tuck and Brooke, August 2009
Our Hallo-weiner!!! We took his Trick or Treating every year as a hot dog....and always got lots of attention!

Brooke and her buddy...
..March 2010
Tuck LOVED laying in the sunshine....just a few weeks ago, the girls joined him one morinng...
He loved cuddling with anyone that sat still longer than 3 seconds!!!
Nov. 2009

This one was taken about 3 weeks ago....Brooke put this on his head...he was sucha trooper when it came to the kids!
Such a sweetie....
RIP little Buddy!

Oh, Paige! My heart is aching for you. Praying for the kids right now as they deal with losing their friend. I used to think that lap dogs were silly until the Lord put one "in our laps". I'm so sorry, sweetie.
Paige, i am right there with you.. It will be one to the day on Saturday that we had to make the decision to let out Rott go.. He was 7 yrs old and was my Rock, Protector, and my child. There is NOT A DAY that goes by that i do not think of him or miss him terribly. I love all of my dogs, but there was something about MAX.. he can NEVER be replaced..Pets are so much more than a "PET" they are our kids, too. My prayers are with you in your time of healing..
Im so sorry you lost your fur baby. I'd be devistated, Im the same way with our dogs, they are our children.
Sorry to hear about your loss. Glad to hear you and the family have had such great memories with the pupster.
Aw. Paige. I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like he was very blessed to have such a loving family and happy life. I couldn't help cry reading your post with beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing your story. Thanks for stopping by my blog too and taking the time to comment and your words of comfort for us during this time too with Niski. If she was in excruciating pain, we would be faced with the same decision. There's nothing worse than seeing your beloved pet suffering. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. ((BIG HUG))
I am so sorry for your lose. Tucker must have brought so much joy to your family over the years. We too know what it is to have a loved family pet. Our dog is only 3 years old, but I already worry about how much it will affect us when it is time for him to do to doggy Heaven. Hugs and kisses to you all.
I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Tucker. I loved the pics you shared of him.
Just found your blog. so sorry that you have lost a loved one. Tucker was a beauty. We are in the midst of fighting mast cell tumor with our mixed jack russell/rat terrier - Samson. He is almost 12. I know we have been blessed with our baby as you was with yours. I am sorry for your loss.
Marilyn C.
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