Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Multitasking and Staying Focused

I think God gave mothers the gift of multitasking. I can drive, talk on the phone and tend to rowdy kids in the back seat all at the same time. I can cook dinner, fold laundry and clean the kitchen all at once. What a great gift from God....multitasking.

But there are times I feel like a robot....like someone has pushed the fast forward button on my life.....

I forget to take time to notice the details of what I am doing.

I miss the "moments" in life I am supposed to be savoring, especially with my little ones....

It's like having a conversation with 3 people all at once... you are glad to be with them, they make you smile and you hear what they are saying, but you aren't really taking it all in....

This morning I got Faith up, dressed, fed and to the bus stop by 6:40am...jumped in the shower...made beds, cleaned the kitchen, staighted up Faith's room...folded some laundry...and then it was off to get Brooke up and ready and out the door to preschool, followed by a dentist appointment (where I had 3 cavities to be filled...arg), and off to do some Christmas shopping....all to rush back to get Brooke from school, down for a nap, so I could get some sewing done...then meet Faith at the bus stop, get her a snack, and get her started on her homework....etc

Do I sound familiar??????

In the midst of my morning.... I believe it was the 15 min of silence I had in my car going from the dentist to Toys R Us....I had a thought...

Staying focused on Christ....solely on Christ....changes my perspective on my busy world. When I stay focused on Christ, I see my life and those tasks in my life in a different light.

I don't see changing a diaper, or fixing my child's breakfast as a chore or a task... I see it as an act of service...when my eyes are focused on Christ.

When my daughter cries (and believe me...my youngest one cries ALOT) I can comfort her the way Jesus comforts me, with unconditional love and support. I am reminded that Jesus is always present, and I should be present, fully, with my children.

Matthew 6:33 says, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. And all of these things will be given unto you." I realize this doesn't mean things will be easy, but I know that God is with me at all times and will take care of me. And I want to do the same with my family....

Solely focusing on God means putting Him in the right place, in our hearts, purposely not accidentally, and resting in that....And as long as I am multitasking, as long as Christ is the focus, I can enjoy those "moments" the way He intended them.


Heads or Tails said...

AMEN!! All too often I realize how big of a rush I get in & that I am missing so many important moments (big or small). I have had to stop myself many times lately and realize where my focus should be also. Great post Paige!

Kelly M said...

Thank you Paige! I needed to read that tonight! Perfect timing to go along with my Bible study this evening!

Anonymous said...

What a perfect post!

Jewels said...

I am so very guilty of the same thing. I needed to read that today, too. It's so true that God gave us the gift of multitasking but it's something we need to turn off when it comes to spending time and focusing on the Lord. Especially during the Christmas season when our focus should be solely on Him and the birth of Jesus. Thank you for your words of encouragement!