38 Week Bump Update
Why am I still here?!?!?!?
*How far along?: 38 weeks when this photo was taken
*Total weight gain: I am at 30 lbs right now....lost a pound at the dr this past week because of the returning queasiness at night....just days away from hitting my goal of less than 35 pounds!!! YEAH!.
*How big is baby?: Well, we will find out REALLY soon, but the are estimating him to be 9-10 pounds next week when he is born!!!!! YIKES! I have already made it farther this pregnancy than last time....and my last baby was 7.13lbs...so this one will definitely be bigger than that!
*Sleep?: This week has probably been the worst for sleep but hasn't been too terribly bad. I was up 4 nights in a row...all around 3-4am for an hour or two.....this pregnancy has given me some good sleep, so I can't complain.
*Best moment this week?: There was no ONE moment that was great...had a good week, but am enjoying this time with my girls before the baby gets here. I know I will have a tough recovery, so I am trying to soak up these last few days.
*Movement?: Constant.He has no room left in there, but that doesn't stop him from wiggling like a worm!! The movements are painful and can bring me to my knees in pain at times.
*Food cravings?: Water and Fruit still....made it through this pregnancy with no big cravings...isn't that strange?? I will say, I NEVER EVER drink soft drinks, but in the last week I have had a craving for Coke....I did give in and have a few....but the first Coke sent the baby into lots of wild dancing, so I switched to Caffeine free Cokes after that....but that craving seems to have passed....I'm back to water now! ha
*Labor signs?: I've had some contractions here and there...sporadically...but nothing to get excited about. Booo!
*Belly button in or out?: It's out, and has been out...and sometimes the baby will stick his heel right in my belly button, which makes it stick out even further! ha!
*What I miss: 38 weeks pregnant....I miss it ALL!!!!!! I miss being able to stand up for longer than a few minutes at this point.....grocery shopping is a challenge....I know, that's sad....but this pregnancy has just knocked me out for the count! Can't wait to get back into exercising!!!!!
*What I’m looking forward to: Well, I am 38 weeks now and today just 8 days away from my scheduled c section. This is my last full week as the mother of 2....next week will be a while new ballgame! But I am looking forward to getting this little guy here and starting the next chapter of our lives as a family of 5. Can't believe I am almost there!
Check out this picture I dug up...it's me at 37-38 weeks pregnant with my first. And the other picture is me now. Remember I told you I gained 77 pounds with her. This was taken on Christmas morning, 3 weeks before I delivered her....I'd have to gain almost 50 pounds this time to be in that position again!! Thank goodness I didn't!!
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I'd say there is a slight difference!!!!
I'm working on a pregnancy chart with all of my pictures....doing lots of sitting this week, so hopefully I can show it to you soon!
Maybe I will see you back next week for a 39 weeks update....maybe I will have already had the little guy....stay tuned!
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