Monday, April 27, 2009

And The Winner Is........

WOW!!!! I am so excited about all the comments I received this weekend!! I got some really good advice...things I have even started to implement already! Love the ideas about grocery shopping and creating a "staple grocery list" I can create and check off at all times! And someone has a bin for "too big clothes", "too little clothes" and I think that's a great idea since all of the clothes in my house seem to end up together! So many great ideas, and I THANK YOU for helping out in my struggles! ha!

Even more exciting, is knowing that alot of you struggle with being organized too! (I'm glad I am not alone) BUT, hopefully, these helpful comments encouraged you and gave you some really good ideas! I know they have helped me!

Soooo, who's the winner????


I even took picutres of my 2 year old drawing out the name (we put the names in her baby stroller and she picked out a name for me)...but as I went to load them up to include on this post, my camera went dead.

Can we say Typical Monday?!?

So, as soon as my camera is brought back to life I will have pictures to prove we drew Kirsten's name!! :)

This little contest was so much fun, and I can't wait to do another one very soon!!! So, keep checking back..or checking your Facebook page for announcements! (For those of you on FB, I have created a group called My Chunky Monkey Designs you can join to get the latest info on contests and deals)

Congrats to Kirsten!!!!

1 comment:

Shawna Lee said...

Congrats, Kirsten!

Katie wore her "K" top to meet her new cousin. My mom, who hadn't had a chance to see it since we left right after we stopped by your house, was very impressed. I need to get my act together and order something for the baby now!